
目前顯示的是 10月, 2020的文章

[imageAI]What is the step number displayed in the log messages during custom object detection training.

For most people using imageAI to implement the object detection application, they probably reference the tutorial " imageAI : Custom Detection Model Training " on the official website. When people begin the training by the sample from the tutorial, the progress bar displayed with some numbers in the log message. Apart from the "Epoch", there are information about time and step but what is the "step" numbers mean? The step numbers  are counted from 0 in each Epoch. For people who have basic machine learning knowledge, they could think of the batch numbers (all training instances divided by batch size)  immediately .  However, it seems something different from the batch number. my case: -data set: 301 images with 3 types labels -batch size:4 -Epoch:12 I noticed the difference when I training a data set containing 301 images with batch size 4. I thought the number before the progress bar should be the total of the batch number "73" (301/4) and the c...